I made a “Crafts” menu-tab on my
blog initially hoping to post simple and pretty crafts that ordinary moms like
me could do. I’ve posted 60 recipes now and not a single craft. You should know
by now that I am not very crafty. I wish I was. This glass bangle candle
holder is something I did with my daughter a couple of months back. I say "with
my daughter" because my kids don’t generally stay till it is done. My kids are too
impatient to sit for long and are more naughty than crafty. My daughter likes
using scissors to cut pillow covers, barbecue brushes, books and all sorts of
important stuff that’d make you scream. My son is too young to handle scissors; instead he
soaks up everything in water. I usually start with the two of them seated by my
side, patiently explaining what we’re going to do, how it’s going to look and how
much fun it’s going to be. My son bolts within the first 5 minutes with the
glue or some crucial element. My daughter stays for a little longer and is a
bit more interested but she too wanders away before long and I am usually left
alone to complete what we had started. Does this happen to you?
My craft principles:
1. It’s
got to be simple. As simple as it can be.
2. I’d
like to use stuff I already have instead of buying lots of craft equipment and
3. It’s
got to be functional (or we should have had fun making it).
Items Required
Craft Glue/FevicolGlass Bangles – 13-15 for each candle holder
Just glue those glass bangles one on top of
another. Do so gently. When they’re wet it will look as if they’re coming off, don’t
worry - just let them dry. It’s ok if some of the bangles are a little smaller
or bigger. It makes the design even more quirky. If you want neat holders with
clean lines, then use bangles of the same size. I found that around 13-15 bangles
make a nicely sized candle holder. I used multi-coloured glass bangles. If you
want a colour theme, stick to 2 or 3 colours – pink and orange, green and blue,
pink and white would all look lovely.
Ohh very nice Candle Holder. Thank you very much for your great post.I'm so happy by visit this site that I’ve already bookmark this site and I will come back again .
This is a lovely Idea and I tried it myself and found it easy, fun and functional too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for Sharing :-)
Recently came across this blog. Very good recipes and this particular craft work is a real good idea!
ReplyDeleteCreative Idea
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