Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bhindi Sambhariya – Gujarati syle stuffed Okra

Gujarat looks quite inviting in the tourism ads starring Amitabh – very much the Indian tourist story – colourful choli clad women shyly peeping out from behind their veils, big moustached men, skinny children running amok, all amidst serene natural beauty and huge temples. It’s at the western tip of India, above Maharashtra. I’ve never been there. I’d like to but mainly for their food and their craft. Two things I never tire of. Gujarati food I read is predominantly vegetarian. I love the elaborate gujarati thalis that they serve in some restaurants here and they’re pretty neat but I am sure the real thing is even better. I made Bhindi sambhariya today for Gujarat.

bhindi sambhariya,stuffed okra,stuffed ladies finger

Stuffed Bhindi is a thing of beauty. I love okra in all its avatars the simple unassuming vendakkai poriyal, vendakkai thokku, creamy ladies finger curries and now the stuffed bhindis. There are several versions of the stuffing and this gujarati sambhariya is one of them. These stuffed okra are super tasty with steamed rice and dal. But stuffing the okra is a time consuming task. Stuffing anything (except oneself) is time consuming. So be patient and gentle with them okra or you’ll break them. Try it when you have an extra half hour.

bhindi sambhariya,stuffed okra,stuffed ladies finger

Prep time: 20 mins
Cooking time: 20-30 mins
Serves: 4
Okra/Ladies finger/Vendakkai – 1/2 kg
Grated coconut – 3 tbsp
Dhania/Coriander seeds – 1 tbsp
Ginger – 1 inch piece
Green chillies – 2 chopped roughly
Turmeric – ¼ tsp
White sesame seeds – ½ tsp
Cumin seeds – ½ tsp
Garam masala – 1 tsp
Lemon juice – 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil – 3 tbsp
1.      Wash okra well. Pat dry and chop off the tops and tails of the okra. Make a vertical slit through all the okra and set aside.
2.      Grind together all ingredients other than okra and oil and make a thickish paste.
3.      Stuff the paste into the vertical slits in the okra.
4.      Heat a shallow pan. Add oil and when hot, place the stuffed okras in a single layer in the pan. If there is any stuffing left over, sprinkle it over the layered okra. Cover with a lid and cook on low till the okra are tender. In between, flip over the okra to evenly brown them on all sides. This may take 20-30 minutes on low heat. Once done, remove from heat. Serve hot with rice and dal.



  1. yum yum!!! should try this sometime.. looks breath taking and tempting

  2. Those stuffed bhindis are torturing me, seriously am in love with that stuffing part.

  3. Seeing the ingredient list and the picture makes me smell the beautiful aroma of the stuffed okra. okra is one of my moms favourite veggie. Gonna show her this recipe and ask her to try soon.

  4. I like stuffed okra and this stuffing looks interesting. Yes, stuffing okra is time consuming but it is all worth it.

  5. Stuffed okras are my favorite,your version sounds quiet interesting,will try it for sure...

  6. it looking very different i try this in some times...thank you for sharing this
    Partition Planters

  7. The filling sounds so flavourful. Love to try this...

  8. Rev toy made..the dish is so authentic and you have given a perfect set up...wonderful.

  9. Hey sorry for the typos...I meant you have made it perfectly

  10. This is one okra dish that I can enjoy! It has turned out so good. Love the stuffing recipe you used.

  11. one of my fave veggies - stuffing looks awesome

  12. Jayanthi can I invite you to make these at my place. I love these bhindi especially the stuffing.

  13. I wanted to make this too but couldn't find good quality ladies finger. Your clicks are tempting me to try this dish real soon.

  14. I too love okra, but the lack of getting good ones here locally keeps me from making it often. This is one recipe i am going to be making when the okras start growing in my backyard.

  15. So tempting bhindi.. Stuffing looks so good.

  16. Wow that stuffing sounds so interesting..I make okra pakoda with stuffing..this sounds doable!

  17. The dish looks inviting. Guess the stuffing was yummy and works with other veggies too.

  18. wow thats an very inviting gujarati stuffed bhindi , you have made them too perfect :) fabulous recipe !!
