Sunday, April 20, 2014

Himarcha Rowt - Red chilli dip – Mizoram

True to my somberi (lazy bum) self, I am taking it easy and posting a red chilli dip today for Mizoram which makes a great sauce or dip for momos posted yesterday for Meghalaya. Made of loads of soaked red chillies and fresh ginger the dip is sharp and spicy and is a perfect foil to the delicate momos.

red chilli dip for momo,himarcha rowt

Mizoram is one among the seven the north-eastern states. It is mostly hilly and is home to several tribes who are collectively called Mizos. Majority of Mizos are Christians. Mizo food is simple and healthy. Their food is mostly steamed or boiled. Smoked pork, sticky rice and vegetable stew are popular foods in Mizoram.

red chilli dip for momo, himarcha rowt

I love their traditional dress – the white, red and black skirts and tunics. Very pretty.

Prep time: 10 mins
Makes: about ¾ cup

Whole dry red chillies – 15
Hot Boiling water – ½ cup
Fresh ginger – 2 inches minced
Garlic – 7-8 pods minced
Vinegar – 1 tsp
Salt to taste
Oil – 1 tsp
Brown sugar – 2 tsp (optional, I added it because I like it)


1.       Soak red chillies in hot boiling water (switched off) for 10-15 minutes.

2.       Grind the soaked red chillies to a coarse paste. Remove to a bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk well to combine. Serve as a dip with momos, spring rolls or anything else.



  1. I can happily have those momos with this hot and fiery chilly dip..Drooling here.

  2. what a picture!!! beautiful color!!

  3. Wow! A very fiery looking chutney!!

  4. Oh I was wondering to ask you what that bright colour dip on the I know..:)..the colour looks amazing Jayanthi..

  5. Mmmm fiery hot red chilly dip!!! Not only with momos, I am sure it will go very well with some other snacks too.

  6. This chutney looks so fiery. Love the colour of it...

  7. what a vibrant color - looks too hot to handle :)

  8. Hmarcha rowt sounds super spicy and loved the vibrant color of it...

  9. wow such an delightful and fiery chutney :) mouthwatering !!
