Sunday, August 25, 2013

Baked Vazhakkai Chips – Raw Banana chips

baked vazhakkai chips, baked raw banana chips
Ever since my success with the baked potato wedges, I’ve been itching to try baked versions of crisps, chips and fries. This here must be the easiest, healthiest vazhakkai chips around. You’ll need oil only for greasing the baking tray and nowhere else. Just slice thin and pop into oven to bake. Once done, remove from oven and toss with salt. I actually didn’t even bother with the salt. It seemed just fine as it is. I used just one vazhakkai which yields one small cup of chips. You might want to use more vazhakkai/raw bananas when you’re making these for the entire family. These would make tasty and healthy after school snacks for kids. You could slice them lengthwise and pair them with a fruit dip for a filling nutritious snack. I am sending these to Srivalli’s Blogging Marathon for the theme – After School bites.

baked vazhakkai chips, baked raw banana chips

baked vazhakkai chips, baked raw banana chips

I envy all those bloggers who get to spend hours photographing their food. I usually get just 5 minutes. In that 5 minutes, my kids create as much damage as they can like pictured here. This is actually a very decent, very basic demonstration of their activities.  

Prep time: 3 mins
Baking time: 15 mins
Makes: 20 chips

Raw Banana – 1
Salt to taste
Black pepper powder – ¼ tsp (optional)
Oil – 1 tsp to grease the tray


1.       Preheat oven to 200 degrees centigrade. Grease a baking tray with oil.

2.       Peel the raw banana and slice into really fine slices. Arrange in a single layer on the baking tray and bake for 15 minutes. Remove to a bowl. Sprinkle salt and black pepper powder (if using) and toss well. Serve.

Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#31


  1. Lol Jayanthi, I also envy folks who can take pictures at leisure, this baked version of chips is super tempting.

  2. Baked are always a hit , those banana chips must be awesome.
    Don't worry dear , all kids are alike. My daughter tries to click the photos or sometimes take a bite while I was clicking.

  3. That's such a cute scene..)..same here Jayanthi..not only do I also get only 5 mins to click my pictures, one is ready to grab it from the plate, while other would be making such you have company no worries..from oven these chips surely sound so tempting..

  4. Guilt free chips, loving this baked ones. Acho seems your kids are having fun when u r busy in clicking.

  5. guilt free chips! My kids are older but they get restless while I take the pictures!

  6. Wow..those baked chips look so crispy and addictive.
    My little one just started to walk and she makes a trail of mess everywhere she goes. We have to retrace her path picking up things.. ahhhh the fun of parenthood :-)

  7. We are all sailing in the same boat dear. When I was ready to click a pic this morning my lil one pulled out the food from the plate toppling everything and it was such a mess!I take pics when he naps which is very rare and hardly click 5 pics per recipe. I really do envy those who spend a good amount of time to shoot pics.
    Anyways, love the baked version yaar...
