Saturday, August 24, 2013

Kadalai Adai – Chickpea Pancakes | Somberi series

kadalai adai,chickpea pancakes,theplaI am back with another somberi recipe - an easy 10 minute recipe that is as tasty as it is quick. These are like bajjis which are made like omelettes but without the vegetable. And we’re calling them Adais. Ok. However much I try to spin these, these are basically, fundamentally , finally bajji batter adais but with a generous helping of sautéed onions and green chillies mixed in. These are small adais the size of mini oothappams. We make these at my Mom’s place for those in-between times, when we’re feeling hungry but we don’t want to eat a full meal and we also don’t want to spend too much time making something.

kadalai adai,chickpea pancakes,thepla

We sometimes serve these as a side dish with rice just like an omelette and I like it that way too. But if you want to go the conventional way serve it with a simple coconut chutney. But it really doesn’t need any side. You could serve this with tea or coffee in the evening. For hungry kids coming home from school, serve these with ketchup. Whatever you do, serve these hot. I am sending these to Srivalli’s Blogging Marathon for the theme – After school bites.

Prep time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 5 mins
Makes: 5  mini adais

Kadalai Maavu/Chickpea Flour – 1/2 cup
Onion – 1 small chopped fine
Green chilly – 1 chopped fine
Turmeric powder – ¼ tsp
Salt to taste
Water as necessary
Oil – 2 tbsp + 3 tbsp


1.      In a bowl, take kadalai maavu/chickpea flour and add water to make a batter similar in consistency to the bajji batter maybe slightly thicker.

2.      Add salt and turmeric powder and mix well.

3.      In a pan, heat 2 tbsp oil and sauté the chopped onions and green chillies till the onions turn translucent. Dump the sautéed mixture into the batter and mix well.

4.      Heat a tawa and pour a ladle of the batter and spread to make a small adai/pancake the size of an oothappam but about half an oothappam’s thickness. These adais are slightly thicker than the dosa but not too thick. Drizzle a little oil around the edges and cook on low for a minute or till the bottom has brown spots and the edges are a little crisp. Then flip and cook the other side in the same way. Remove on to a plate. Continue making adais with the remaining batter. Serve hot as is or with coconut chutney.


Check out the Blogging Marathon page for the other Blogging Marathoners doing BM#31


  1. Somberi series sounds fun..:)..nice adais Jayanthi..

  2. ohh add tomatoes and these will be the classic tomato omelletes that veggies in mumbai substitute for themselves, and yes agree that serving them as side dish is yummy idea...

  3. Lolz am laughing on seeing the word somberi series.. Thats a quick and easy peasy adai.

  4. All of us need an arsenal of somberi recipes. This sounds like a cheela.. healthy & delicious.

  5. Somberi series sounds really fun,adai looks so tempting...

  6. LOL on the somberi series and seriously, we do need such recipes. Nice one yaar...
